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Category Archives: minimalism

Get (Back) Into the Groove

For all the romantic notions about endless summer days spent lazing about, I find that as late August arrives, I’m looking around for the t-shirt that says “Over It.” But wait! You say. How can you be “over” relaxing fun times?! Aren’t we supposed to want that? Isn’t yoga about finding space, doing only what’s necessary, not blowing our circuits with too much thinking/doing/worrying/obsessing/freaking out?
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Freakin’ Food: Kid Friendly Cooking and Yeast Free Mini Calzones!

Cooking with kids can be equal parts “ I love seeing them smile and engage with their food” and “why do I not shop at Costco for extra jumbo packs of paper towels?!” While I don’t have any kids of my own I have taken care of kids of all ages and one of my favorite things to do with them is cook. The
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The Happiness Factor

This is one of my favorite things to keep in mind when striving for balance. We often think of having to have discrimination, self-control and a desire to put our health over our impulses and cravings. While these things are important to consider and employ, we can all together forget about the heart of the matter. I am talking about those things that make
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A Savasana for the Deciding Mind: Project 333

This past weekend, my family and I went camping for a couple of nights in the glorious Pecos wilderness of northern New Mexico. I will tell you right now, I am an avid camper. Our family tent is surely at the top of my “prized possessions” list. I love, LOVE a few days spent staring at trees, rather than screens. But possibly my favorite
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