I am standing at my kitchen counter, peeling the green chile we’ve just taken from the roaster, feeling the deep yet unsettling familiarity of…something. I stop and listen. We have an album playing, “Show Your Bones” by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs; the last time I listened to it, we were living in Buffalo, NY where my husband studied for his doctorate. Oh, that’s what
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For all the romantic notions about endless summer days spent lazing about, I find that as late August arrives, I’m looking around for the t-shirt that says “Over It.” But wait! You say. How can you be “over” relaxing fun times?! Aren’t we supposed to want that? Isn’t yoga about finding space, doing only what’s necessary, not blowing our circuits with too much thinking/doing/worrying/obsessing/freaking out?
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As you might have concluded from watching the news or reading your Facebook feed, the last couple of weeks have been an amazing, and upsetting, and confounding time to be alive. Things I thought we might never see happen have happened, things both joyful and horrific. Marriage equality and the murderous attack on black people praying in their church—in the span of one week,
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1. Try infusing your water with refreshing herbs and veggies…For example: -Watermelon & Mint -Cucumbers Slices -Fresh Lime & Mint -Grapefruit & Rosemary This will help you stay hydrated while enjoying the wonderful properties of the fruit and herbs. Delish! 2. Keep away from anything excessively spicy or oily. Add coconut and cilantro to your meals for an added cooling and flavor! 3. Keep
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Summer is here! Yeah, the solstice is still actually a couple of weeks away. But the heat of the season has certainly made an appearance. And with that heat, you may find yourself feeling a little…uncomfortable at times. Irritated. Short-tempered and grumpy, even. ‘Cause you’re a human being who responds to your environment, you know? In Ayurveda, these heat-induced reactions are linked to the
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This is one of my favorite things to keep in mind when striving for balance. We often think of having to have discrimination, self-control and a desire to put our health over our impulses and cravings. While these things are important to consider and employ, we can all together forget about the heart of the matter. I am talking about those things that make
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Hello Yogis and Foodies! It’s my favorite time of year; backyard BBQ season! For me there is nothing better than spending the day with friends, family, and dogs, eating, drinking, and enjoying each others company. The only thing you have to worry about that day is what you’re going to bring! I have the best recipe for you all to try that is VEGAN
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This past weekend, my family and I went camping for a couple of nights in the glorious Pecos wilderness of northern New Mexico. I will tell you right now, I am an avid camper. Our family tent is surely at the top of my “prized possessions” list. I love, LOVE a few days spent staring at trees, rather than screens. But possibly my favorite
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It seems so simple yet so difficult to achieve, a state of balance. For a long time when people would ask me to help them understand Ayurveda I would struggle to explain various Sanskrit terms, what they mostly meant and how to incorporate the various ways that those things would somehow help them. This would take way to long and lead to much confusion
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Unless you have been living under a rock (or maybe in an isolated ashram in India) for the past 30 years you have probably heard of the 12 Steps. I say this because in our society 1 in 3 people are addicts or are affected by addiction. The 12-Steps– and the meetings, fellowship, literature, and ideas of addiction that surround them–have allowed more people
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